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January 30
Electro stratus report, in Fen Major, for whoever reads. A straight jacket is what Obama needs most, or drink himself to death in Las Vegas. But he will barely taste a beer in Munich, he only drinks alone. Smart drinker he says. He wants a blond now, this is what he asked for in real, and in his life. Tired of this fat ass he has, as he used to think.
And Germans love him. Here is your piece of information. It is him they want, not your servitor. They are so proud he is the original Satan. It takes a hella lot of cops to save his tiny jeans.
You know, in Africa, he was the first one to fill women's teeth, for following him. He needs cops around. It is not like he can walk alone in the street, like a Man. The fear would be intense, for him, not for me, he is a little man in the end. Me, there are reports of Miracles everywhere I land, that is even inside a jail, in its courtyard or not. He should have talked about that, but he was really born in Africa, and not 2000 years ago, like he tries to make believe now.
To the Guilds, teams, V.I. P’s and even Armies thinking about visiting tours to assist me, be wary of the locals. Suppose the mayor will suicide, like the previous one, and that I only want the arrest, and handcuffing of at least priest Onfray, and the mayor, including the archbishop, and the priest nearby, who takes himself for Neo, like threatening to kick my ass. He takes himself a bit for that, "stronger than me." He wants to prove a thing, but then of course, once I would have kicked his ass, he would call the police, exactly like the guy below did in 2011... It's complicated. We're on Facebook. I am calling him gay. Lol.
The best is to do not shake any hands, before mine, or you shake Satan. The inhabitants of tours became like a skin for him. Only me understands them, they are all crazy. They pretend they teach at NASA, if you want to understand them. Whatever you talk, they will tell you they know better, and it is just Obama talking, but with their vocabulary. It is pathetic, they went to hell with him, for persecuting me relentlessly, and me alone.
It is better to email me in the end; I say it especially to Madonna. Woman in tours extremely tortured, for evil, it is better to do not see one. None is a Christian ever. And the men completely evil, totally asleep. Never talk to one, or he lie to you, and take your identity. They became the demons for sucking souls, and I emptied them of theirs. You see a population completely in hell, walking like zombies, when you are in tours. They all pretend they do not see me. And it is this magical the instant you step in the city lines. Do not come tomorrow if it is you plan, just write me an email.
Obama wants coke, by the way. Like in the day. He wants to show you the clown. He needs a starter like all sodomites. Let him meet his dealer at least. There must be a body guard who has that. I say to the people, do not say I temp, I report. I saw. I am the boss. Angels report to me. Keep that Coca-Cola for me.
You are going to see him very nervous suddenly, and on stage, it will be me. The doc gave him the pill. Coke like that, but for specialist; you do not see the red eye. Those guys have all the pharmacopeia. Presidents are drugs addicts themselves in many places. Some are even proud of it. Obama, him, will look like I am giving him anal, on stage. Very nervous. Shocked. He forgot to say something. His career is over. People wants to call him negro. The Africa, again. And this time, everybody knows who he is. Satan is super surrounded for once. I cannot wait what you will do to him. Expect no mercy from me, not even for the woman who gave me a son, to torturing him then, and me, trying to make me pass for the torturer. Like I need that to make a living... basic alcoholic... more her portrait by now, this Natacha. She was not that flight attendant from the Belgium cartoon.
Thank you, by the way, to everyone torturing him with questions about me. Try near bananas, to see if he tries juggling with one.
January 31
https://Forum.bitcoin.com bans me for showing respect ("spamming"), and a few days after, shamelessly lies online about, they do a special tweet against me, God. Bitcoin holders are now condemned. You hold the money of Satan, give it back to him, it is a worthless money, for bigots only. They will only lie to anyone, be informed of it, if you know a "human" clone of the devil. Careful, any green eyed person is him also, even females.
Special Alert: Never let a Dalmatian get into the White House. Their dots are proofs of eternal condemnation, endless suffering, all by human hand. A president with one will curse the whole world. Forbid even having one, especially those. Never watch a Dalmatian in the eyes. Forbid their owning, starting by forbidding their forced reproduction. Also, be aware that most veterinarian are extremely curse. Never a dog must end in their hands again. In all cases, never touch a dog again, whatever the race. Do not touch their hair (too sexualized by men), and to not talk to them. Looks elsewhere if you see one in leash down town. Consider all this Word of Dog, and they ask you call them domesticated wolves instead.
Remember, if you own an animal, you are considered a sadist. Never offer one to a kid, it is a sadist gift. Offer yours a disk to listen.
In tours, use the West part of the park of Simon's Island, to let die your animal. When you see his day is coming, you take him there, and you bring him food (a real bone, with flesh), till he dies, even if it takes a few days, never talk to him again, to end. They only want to be wolves again, for your domesticated one, it passes by dying on Earth. Do not make it a last murder, by veterinarian. Organize the equivalent in every city, and never let a "traveler/shitty ponk" own one. Call the police, dogs must not be owned by those human snakes, mostly extremely cruel, very often, and in the street because of it, to calm down.
And now, suppose you treat most kids as well, and I can do nothing... Be sure we are not friends... "humans."
Only cats are allowed to live besides, but put a collar, tattoo, and even castrate one. If they are too many in your city, invent a recipe, a kill responsible, like any wolf or tiger always did.
To all the blacks I say, I kill every black that defied me, in America or not, we are at this point. Know they will never calm this time. By 2020, Obama wanted to announce in the microphone that he is me (God) himself. And he cannot believe I beat him at being me. It is Satan’s anger that is coming; all blacks will participate to it. It is the last war that just started by my apparition, an absolute one.
Losing is not in his repertoire he says, believe he is going to hate you, gaga ultimate. I recommend you handcuff him, ever straight jacket if you can. He started all the horrors you saw, or imagined, it is him behind, and I made him pay. See it unfold in time. The joker came out, super gay.
Michelle noticed, he is like needy, and it is hard to get butt do'ed when you are a president. It makes her smile, she tortures him now, he is nothing, it is amazing how much. Pygmy boy. Boing! What?!
Mock him constantly, he takes only that, whatever he was the President of America. He will be mad at you if you respect him. Recall he is Satan himself, not a body suit, he just wants to come close to you, by mercy often. Watch him die his time, and he can reproach you nothing, or he screams you was evil as he was, with him even, and he will be right. Be careful with blondes with green eyes, they are poisoning, they served him too well those time. When gorgeous, most of them are sucking evil cocks, in all the palaces of the world. Every Mafioso has a blonde like that. Me, never, or just a night. Those women are Lucifer, they are souls of him, like walking on Earth. And all women are walking in hell as we speak, while on Earth, especially the sexy ones, not only you, and you will not leave it. Do not get bitten by one, punch. They served only gold, and you did like her, condemning me in your eyes, for you had more money than me, my only "crime." We are in 2017, I condemned you all. If you see a sexy green eyed blonde in a palace, it is Satan himself, those women got condemned for their role in the war. They gave even anal to the satins, and to the satins only. The honest man could dream, even of starvation die at their feet, for being a good artist. They tortured all men they could like that, and even their uglier sisters, sleeping with the enemy exclusively, because he has money, and she is
lazy too, of course, like my ex, by who it all happened. You are all her now, this slut, I had sex with, like 3 times, and who is just incapable even to cook a steak for herself, basically. And do not call her dumb... she is Satan himself. His boobs if you know the tarot card. He had a soul, he was made an Angel originally, so he had a beautiful soul, now incarnated in this ridiculous French woman. Do not touch her hair if you are around, I promise you she is Satan made woman, and I will not forgive her. She sings you songs. She goes right into the anus of Satan, like you read in the Divine Comedy that Judas is chewed by him. Her, imagine her up his butt. I mean it. She sticks. Wow. Run away. She is extremely seductive, but it is shit you smell, not metals.
If you understood, in Inception, she is the "victim" she says, but you never saw a paranoid like that. She was Nazi young, and became this again, even after she knew me. And do not call me dumb, I fucked her even harder.
The secret services, in every country, have her name, and this is enough. One of them had with her, of course. Because madam has sex with whoever she wants, whatever what she promised just before. She plays to fuck you. It is time you spot her in the palaces, and kick her out. She can suck cocks for 20 at some street corners, if she wants to get things done (work) for once.
Sexy women just killed themselves, they have no idea. Soon, the guys, they have a dozen female robots even sexier than women you see now, and they suck cock for free, they even call you God, or David if you want so, with real hair, and voices like magic, studied to please you, and you believe they are Angels. You just do not want to be those guys, always horny, lewd monsters in the end; of course, women have their sexy robots, like dildos did not killed them enough.
Sexy women are lost. In the future, everybody makes fun of them, except Christians. You are one, or completely psycho, the other side of Earth. Christians have to kill you all Satan’s. It is the war you started, women like that included.
Believe me, I had made her Queen of the Universe. You prostrated in front of her since that day of 2001, and she fucked you all. She departed to go orgy with half faggots instead of kissing me, and she had just became my wife. But you simply persecuted me like never before since that day, you doubled the persecution. Now you are all in hell. I am almighty, not her. She is just full of demons. She like liberated Satan from where I had put him. He escaped hell via her body. And that is Obama, he became her, they are like married, one, not two. Never invite her.
Recall, including if brunette, or redhead, if green eyes, overcoat sexy females, you have a Lucifer in front of you. You can even wake her up, so she realizes what she is doing, and the charm is over for them. But it will not work with the one I knew, and kissed.
They must never insult me again, and this one will never stop. She became Satan made woman, like Holy-Mary is me became this Woman, a real Goddess forever, not for a few hours, thank to having sex with me, like it was her goal. Fame was. Money... it is too easy for a 10. You know. It comes alone. Men are dumb. All this is sad for her family. She just brags she is nothing now, do not believe her, she met with Satan too, you do not realize yet how strong. She fakes dumbness, but she sent you to Auschwitz practically. She is old too. Her village in France has a saying, which is quite rare, admit, and this one mentions demons already. Believe I had cleaned her of them all, and she betrayed again. I mean she would have called the gestapo again, if you had managed to kill the camp commander, like I did, to send him to hell, which I had gotten done myself in March 2001.
The saying I talk about is "In Arpheuilles (name of the mentioned), there are more demons than leafs." And it was, and now they are all up her butt. She sorts of sodomized herself, and you all at the same time. She had become sort of Holy-Mary, made Woman again, but on Earth. She even almost killed Holy-Mary herself. You see? I talk about real condemnations here.
I will certainly not come condemn you more, like down town. If you see me there, I am buying food, or doing something normal, except if I live a murder attempt on me again, like the one in 2011.
You owe me a thank you; it never came.
Believe she betrayed me the instant she became Divine like me, not The Divinity I AM. And she is a sadist too, not only masochist. The age of zombies started... wait a few years, let rot... Lol.
Do not recall those demons, they want to go to hell. Beauty like disgusts them, and you never know why. They prefer shit, be sluts, fuck disgusting guys, lick semen at their feet, and nothing never changes them. They play to look arrogant, or child, if they want to seduce, for a goal. They have fun making suffer, and all the blacks are like that, like it became a deformity. Never believe one, and call them the racists, they will be proud you call them so, they invented everything evil. Look no further, if you hear about demons in old texts, whatever how ancient, even the story, it is the Africans, and it always was, even in the Divine Comedy, everywhere.
Just do not shake hands, they have to be in Africa, it is not this hard to emigrate, when one's want. At NASA too, they noticed, I am the biggest erudite they know, and there ever was, like I wrote the Dante's book as being his hand myself, in essence. I teach monkeys like that too. They start watching their hand, and the hand is me, I tell them what to do. They smarten like that, generation after generation. You betrayed a long time ago, and vastly degenerated since. I am not ashamed to tell you that you are not me anymore, even less Gods yourselves. I know you read it twice, in the old and new testaments, but you are not that anymore. You bragged too much, and did nothing else.