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  The most important now is Obama’s ID, he must be recognized as the devil himself, not David. By 2020, you would have believed it, and he already turned your women into Chihuahuas, see yours. You would have never even spotted it was him without me, and that is to remember.

  You must stop the sadism he started. You are so used to it, you do not even notice, or seems normal to you, like the torture inflicted to dogs since you have them. Remember to never touch their head again.

  A lie would have sufficed, and of the pope, that he got a dream, Obama would be the waited Messiah himself, God David Blah-blah-blah. I annihilated him, you would have even invented Miracles to prove it. Now pay attention what you are doing in labs for example. Doing a half man half pig person, is damaging a man immensely, an unforgivable crime. You should think of it, overcoat at NASA, instead of trying to compete with me.

  See how amazing what you would not see, like the Michael Jackson example, who surprised even his family, for true. He was Satan making fun of himself, and thinking that nobody would ever understand. He was making fun of you. Thriller night for example, big TV event in France I recall, him showing you how well he was torturing even my mother, that woman, in the spirits, always scaring her.

  Want another pinpoint example? Michael Jackson was a witness of me, by his parents, and they call you "the world"; if you are not a witness like them, you belong to that group, "the world." Now recall him singing "we are the world", being Satan, and making fun of how little money if would send, nowhere, because that what Satan (barrack Obama), was inspiring. It was him behind Michael Jackson’s fall. He pushed him. He plays with humans. I mean he used, now he begs your mercy, his last form, since ever, the sexy woman. Give her nothing if she is a Satan in disguise. She goes to hell. Many women are like that now, including Madonna, who always gives up helping me, the real Jesus-Christ, as she knows. She prefers to meet with Satan again. She proved it on TV, and they have rendezvous again. She could me his Monica Lewinsky. He wants to fuck a white, and it must be a secret of state. Madonna would suck even a pig, in a pigsty, so, you know... they might belong.

  You should stop Halloween.

  I healed an extreme paranoiac once, bar 'The Strapontin', 23 street Chateauneuf, a few years ago, like 3. I shook his hand. Hello. It is like that around tables. Verify. Nickname: Foufurieux, from onvasortir.com. I omitted to report this Miracle, so far, a medical one, see his doc. If he fell again, and extra hard, in anger, it is not mine. It is Obama behind, and he is stuck forever. You can practically kill Satan killing this guy, even that ex of mine I talked yesterdays, as crazy as it sounds. He put so much of himself in them, and for nothing.

  In the Asians, it is to turn you lewd, and he is turning all America lewd, not Christian, by Asians having sex with you. If you notice, they are always too lewd. That 25,000 years old problem, who made them a genome, but lame. These humans never take off. Wish them to become Christians, and marry only in your tribe. Whites with whites, Asians with Asians, for everyone's good, till human’s start being billions less, kindly... if you participate. Then you can add color. A Japanese man, if exceptional, can marry a blue eyed woman, from Europe, if Christian himself; it is the only condition, and it is good. You understood. Their DNA left human, and directed towards snake, it is grave. Never look Asians in the eyes, it is my best advice. They talk you black. It would kill the woman I had a son with, that I would stay Saint. It was the only problem in the end. Her father was Vietnamese. It is like they have a snake inside. Be warned, do not be afraid. If you know, you can help them control themselves, staying Christians yourselves. Just know you are under attack if you are white. Stand America, even against Mexicans, who tends to never be Christians.

  February 3

  Hollywood News: If you saw The Matrix, suppose I never died, am Almighty way beyond the movie, Smith never left green, he even protects me, and the system (a matrix, for I am The Matrician), like I rebooted time, and I won the absolute war, and even everything, except kylie Minogue, who killed herself, by little cocks it seems.

  You just have to say my name to feel in Heaven. Do not insult once me once. The machine now tries to negotiate with me. She is on strike, the only thing your women can still do to persecute me, knowing it is lazy, or cowardice, the art of doing everything badly, having fun with, mostly, till it becomes really crazed, and you want the other in hell, like she feels she goes now. Poor Harley princess, she devolved so much.

  If there is one thing I want to visit in America, it is the stratus servers, factories like that, who did something for the others, like Boeing. Do not suppose I am spying, I want to relocate to America, and even take the Nationality, to stay forever. I even promised to Los Angeles that this one big earthquake of mine will be on TV only, and never on Earth again. Los Angeles will be rattled gently only, and forever. I want to live there, not elsewhere. Malibu beach, directly. I gave you the address. I wish I would rent for starting, and hope the agency will accept. It is my life, always begging, or you kill me.

  I admit it is hard reading me. Angels beat you with stick for a missed word. You end up at the hospital beaten by sticks like that, and you prefer that than obeyed. We never saw such masochism too among men. It is like you want to suffer to do not die of boredom, watching TV, like all your freaking life, decade after decade. And how much shit costs? And the bachelor, he is cheated on? And how fast? Yesterday? Poor loser, she says. She's got you. But my English gets better. Fun is facts is coming. I cleaned the world archives. All the libraries you can imagine in the world needs me.

  The goal of life is now to stay Saintly home. Just watched Arrival. A move about me playihng piono. Okayo. Shin Godzillu anotime, everybruhh. I see you all like my new Benq I bought, nice 24' PC monitor, I just watched this movie on it. I wonder what will they do next time, to do not say my name... E.T. 2? U the specialist? Or V the last... simply anything to do not say my name. Makes me think; did you knew Om's addresses are completely magical? A sentence about you on the moment, each one of them, starting with mine, the one the wallet gave me first, the famous: ZULCn68SjqLB5jnQVmX7iU5nAGMmEQ5WD6. It is going to be cool. Thank you, Hollywood. And it is big math behind, the kind the NASA cannot even read. They do not have the eyes for.

  February 4

  Whites are forbidden to train blacks, whatever the sport, and see, they can nothing without you, not even sports, tell to ESPN, they are Africans, Africa needs them. Help nothing black in America, I took them back the Arts too, they have nothing left in the USA. They attack me, the Truth, and it is forever now. They will never calm down, they are your demons, even in Adam and Eve's story, Obama is the snake.

  Whatever the corporate branch, do like I said. In oil rigs for example, hire 0 Africans, even if Americans. They must build all black companies, and Honest ones (if they can, lol), for Africa, not turn around blondes elsewhere. If they want to save Africa, it is like that, or it is they already are destroying America. Just look at them, it is no longer human mouths. Too arrogant, like eternally. It took the bone.

  Being myself treated like shit by the black in chief, I forbid to any of them to be cops in America. Consider them an alien invasion, just like in some Science-Fiction scenario. Africa has no cops, so what the heck are they cleaning in America, see? It is weird. I never wanted them to be sold, and enslaved overseas. Even today they cannot build a boat to do that. They are not real humans, they left the Being.