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  February 6

  Street J. Mace, just at the corner of the haunted house, near my apartment, is where they want to kill me by car. I must never go in walking, and a guy I knew will die instead, crushed the same way, but by behind. That Francis, friend of the cousin I had, both so lame, so masturbated by life. Never they did an effort. Everybody is waiting I give money, even the ones starving me for me to be poor. They really deserve hell, on this planet, you all are false Christians. You never prove a thing, not even that you are honest.

  In the news: "Iran imports 149 tons of uranium from Russia: atomic chief." You would see how much of it is in the end of terrorists, I better warn the mafia, not even the CIA, they are too legal for that. Say (to the CIA) Iran imported 10 tons, tops. The rest is gone, disappeared. Be afraid for New-York, next stage is a second 9/11, somehow nuclear, by big plane again, and in that tower. I warn you. Forbid even mosques in NYC, and Islam, everywhere too. They want an atomic explosion in the Capital of the World, and that is New-York. Be extremely careful next spring, close every airport at any high jacked plane, even if suspect only, and shoot it down. I promise you they prepare a massive attack, and against me, even in tours. Saudi Arabia has plans for that. They are very active in the underworld, with the terrorists. It is kind of mandatory for them, belonging to the demon, they only are given ideas like that, by him.

  In Los Angeles, the risk of getting nuked, even by ground is more than real, overcoat since they know I want to live here, and I mean China. Here, how to. Starting with the Japanese quarter by the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, you ask them to read the page I gave, the one with the mix from Revelation + the new book, that is Talking with Angels, and if they do not say yes, you evict any Asian like that, back to Asia. I promise you they prepare a war in the future, against all whites. Start separating them from the blacks in America. Never let them team up. Spies and all. Be very racist if you are white, they invented it. I allow you self-defense this time, be preventive at least, you will see, they will never calm down, and lie more and more, till infernal for all Earth. I must bring Justice. Be in my Army. We are Christians. End of story. The others are zombies, let them rot, grow veggies instead. It is WW3, and it has just begun.

  In the movies: McDonald's would have died without that guy, you would not be eating some, never whine, it makes you fat, for soft.

  I just did a Miracle over L.A. In Malibu to be more precise. We make them realize I could live here. They saw a magical keyboard flying, funny ghost, flying gold. Beverly Hills is even a better house, if you want to know for me. I know, sounds pretention, but I do Miracles with the Sun... bet Denise Richards wants to kill me in at least 3 James Bond flicks. I got to be there. Suppose they are just like you, too dumb to understand I need a salary, even just for a car and a washing machine. They are even worst; they wait only to kill me. The rotten ones know it is forever against me; they like all things rots. The best is to watch them die, they almost say thank you, they just burp on you a last time. Do not try that with the blacks, never you will see one with an open hand. It is like magic, the anger of Obama, be wary of what he might do to himself, you do not know the masochist supreme, and his blonde. Better shoot first, and for starters.

  Om me demande de rassurer par rapport a la maison d'a cote; il faut juste me laisser faire, et ne pas m'insulter en passant devant, meme en pensee, c'est un pecher mortel aussi, ca vous as tuer, ou se plaindre, surtout de moi, qui travaille non-stop, pendant vous me maintenez sadiquement au RSA. Rassurez vous, votre fille est trop conne pour moi, meme pas capable d'etre bonne cuisiniere, si jolie. Gardez la.

  Vous avez remarque le B aussi, exactement comme sur une map Counter Strike, et la ville ne l'enlevera pas. Meme le maire essayerais de m'ecraser en voiture si possible, genre c'est la panique a cause de la centrale d'Avoine...

  Oui, je maitrise l'argot aussi. Et tarlouze est un mot qui les decrit bien. Venez voir, vous verrez. Moi, ca va, je vais au supermarcher, je fais des Miracles tous les jours, et les absents ont toujours tords, comme d'habitude, ce sont des judas, ils vous mentent.

  Heavens of Heaven, I just spotted a movie with Denise Richards, who I thought was half crazy, ready to even get shitted on, by a pig, yes mister, in her own kitchen, as seen on TV, yes, oh boy, like to be sure I will never live there. Forgive if there is some French in the middle of this book. I just stole Word to Bill Gates again, and all, I must save torrents, best machine ever. The first block chain was not the bitcoins, I remind you, torrents were attacked unfairly, mostly by governments, blinded by their own importance. Sweden is 10 years late already. They do not even mention me in school, like it will help them.

  To CIA: Put me a real woman, your fat groceries store owner is deep in hell now. Condemned. She can stop saying I am "not ready", yeah, to bang her, ever, fat lame, always ugly. She became a psychopath, behind her window, hating me so much, since 10 years her, like I did not notice her. Be informed, she will not escape hell. Money won't buy her a way out, she mixed up with him too well mostly, with Satan himself; she is his spouse now, weird choice, overcoat for someone who was studying law, apparently. You see it in her eyes. She collapsed. She seems normal, but she is a demon, and there is no cure for that, overcoat after her crime. It is not Christian to spy on me. You have fun with my health even. You steal me my salary, every month, like everybody, the whole world. If you think I have no superpowers... you are in for a treat...

  She was mass arrogant, watching me suffer like that, isolated in a living room, like forever. Ask me nothing now, Denise Richards or not.

  You will see, your agent, or not, like you say, will prefer to lie. Just tell yourselves you talk to Obama talking to her, or Obama is talking to you, another Obama certainly, if you decided it is your camp, and not David's, like many, overcoat among you, "Scientists."

  To the French police I want to say that it is useless to hide me, and sending people like Ghostbusters in the house nearby was a mistake for them. Do not even touch the walls outside, it is my only advise. You will find only normal people inside, but condemned forever, by the walls. And there is more, dimensions you do not see. You can imagine it is flat also, and there more dimensions. You really do not have meters. I will show you, but do not believe in "Paranormal". It is all Christian, or legend.

  Even just seeing the house is a mistake for anyone who passes by, and it is not my fault, you sin.

  By "all Christians" of course means that demons do exist, and even that their chief, Obama, is afraid of me. He is really really in troubles. You hear me every day laugh very hard, in your microphone. Believe me, I have a completely magical life, and I am Almighty everywhere. Beautiful Miracles are coming too, like some saw in 2001, and will never see again, not even light, a ray, zero, just shit.